Thursday, February 21, 2008

Start with Celebration

Or as I like to call this chapter "The I Don't Do Enough of That". I don't do enough sharing, celebrating, letting them choose, or displaying. I do like how she points out that you celebrate whatever your student has on his/her paper. That is something that I overlook a lot. I get so caught up in making sure everything is right, that I forget to let them know what I really like about their paper.

Poetry is a genre that I have always been scared to touch, but do. I have a hard time believing that this is the one that "brings most joy, ease, and success for both the students and teacher." Please let me know if this is happening in your classroom.

The one thing that I did think about at the end of this chapter, is how much I would like my class to be able to blog with another class in this district & in another state. Having the students see how other 6th graders write & what they like about writing.

1 comment:

Tammy Gilley said...

Blogging is great. Your students would love it. Maybe you can integrate this into your Intel project based learning activity.