Sunday, March 30, 2008

Chapter 7: Be Efficient and Intergrate Basic Skills

Here again I felt like she is the teacher of all teachers. It seems that Mrs. Routman can make any child do anything she wants them to do. No matter how many times I show whole class, small group, or individually revising & editing, I cannot get them to put their "heart and soul" into them. I guess I need her to come to my class and make them fall in love with revising & editing.

There were a few things I did enjoy about this chapter tough. I love the word wall idea. I think it would be great to have words that they will hear, need to know, & know how to use up for them to see and use everyday. It think words that contain our prefixes and suffixes would be excellent.

I love the fact of minilessons. I have heard and heard about them, but have never actually seen one taught or even an outline of one.

I also like the yearly layout on page 144. I really like the May categories. Our 6th grade writing layout is similar to this, but I am sure that we have way to many isolated skills being taught & prompts for Mrs. Routman.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Chapter 6: Capitalize on the Reading-Writing Connection

As teachers, we all know the importance of the reading-writing connection. I found myself enjoying this chapter. Maybe because it made me realize that I do do more writing in my class than I thought.

"What we're after is a written response that deepens comprehension, causes the writer to reflect on the content, and/or fosters appreciation for the text." pg. 125

This saying really grabbed my attention and made me think of my own class. I have my students write a 2 minute summary when we are done reading from our social studies text. At the beginning of the year I didn't think they were understanding what I really wanted, but now thinking over the year they have come so far. In the beginning they where in their text trying to find what to write and now they may reference to their text every once in awhile. They are getting the meaning of "important information" as to "unimportant information".

One thing I took from this chapter and am excited in trying next year was mentioned on page 128. It says to have them write summaries as a group before I have them do it by themselves.

The other thing I thought about was book blurbs. With the technology we have, I thought that it would be fun to have students do this with comic life. I have to actually admit I am excited to try this with my students