Friday, April 11, 2008

Chapter 10: Make Assessment Count

"Eighty percent of students' writing needn't be graded, same as reading."

I couldn't agree more with this, but how do you do this and get grades for each nine weeks. Then she turns around on page 251 and makes one of her categories "Assess Students' Writing Every Day." So are we suppose to assess every day or not? To me assessing & conferencing are two different things.

I really liked her idea on page 249 of having each student write to a prompt at the beginning of the year & again at the end of the year to the same prompt. I think this would show excellent growth.

The idea of creating an audience for students to write to is a good idea. Sometimes I think they have a hard time picturing an audience. Any suggestions??

Anxiety! What anxiety for state assessments? I couldn't agree more that we need to relax our students for state assessments. If we as teachers are as stressed as we are, I can't imagine what kids feel like having to take the assessments. I think they sense it from us and can feel how important assessments are. I'm not sure they understand why though.

1 comment:

Randy said...

I think it is a good idea to start with a writing prompt at the beginning of the year as well as the end.